Friday, January 12, 2007

Installing Scibuntu

Curious about what Scibuntu can offer me, and desperate to talk about something at the LUG, I decided to install Scibuntu.

At Sourceforge's download page, a full minute goes by without a download. So I right-click to save the link and I see:

I don't belive Scibuntu is written in HTML. So I copy and paste it using Nano and run

~/tmp$ ./
./ line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./ line 12: `dapper repository), '

I download the file as is and I rename the HTM file to I run it as a user and it instructs me to run it under sudo, which I promptly do. It installs without a hitch, except that the only new programs that were accessible from the Gnome menu were Kile and the Sun Java 5.0 Web Start. It turns out when I Ctrl-C'd in the middle of the first installation (I didn't want to install Acrobat), my package manager never removed the lock file it created, and the Scibuntu installation kept skipping packages until the package manager was available.

Total installation time was 63 minutes.


xbasket said...

"I don't believe Scibuntu is written in HTML..." dry humor at its best.

John D. Ayer said...

I really can't believe the garbage I read in your blog. You actually try to do everything the hard way on purpose and then claim Linux sucks because you don't want to learn to use it?

A simple metaphor describing how you are using Linux is like comparing walking and running. Every time you try to run you trip so running must suck.

I could explain basic sociology and how Microsoft has become an organization similar to the Church of the Middle Ages, but, I doubt if you could understand it. I doubt if you know or care who funded and published the vast majority of scientific research in the Middle Ages. I also doubt if you care much about how the supporters of the Church in the Middle Ages suppressed "Open Source" ideas through ridicule the same way you are.

Don't worry though, I am sure all those open source freaks will end up sailing off the edge of that flat earth you love so much.....